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Clinton River – Sewer Service Oakland County

August 7, 2014

Do you understand what the acronym COSDS stands for ?
The Clinton River is crucial to the Oakland County Sewage Disposal plan.
The City of Pontiac also plays a very crucial role to the service system.

COSDS Clinton Oakland Sewage Disposal System

COSDS Clinton Oakland Sewage Disposal System

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Sewer Service Clinton River Oakland County

Sewer Service Clinton River Oakland County

Notice how the layout of the COSDS follows the Clinton River and how
the 12 Towns Drain from Oakland County aka the Red Run enters the
Clinton River from Warren, ALL of which flows to Mt. Clemens and Lake Erie ?

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Interceptor Construction Staging Areas

Interceptor Construction Staging Areas

The COSDS plays a major role for THE INTERCEPTOR which flows
through The City of Warren into Detroit – linking everyone.
The 3 counties are intertwined and interconnected.
No one entity can easily or truly, go solo.

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Oakland Macomb Interceptor

Oakland Macomb Interceptor

Put all the puzzle pieces together to get the BIG picture
of how sewage flows out of Oakland County into Macomb County

SouthEast Michigan Sewage Districts

SouthEast Michigan Sewage Districts

Surface currents Lake St. Clair

Surface currents Lake St. Clair

Hopefully people see how it all fits together and why it is
crucial and imperative to really have high standards for sewage output
— as it becomes our clean water intake

Red Run drinking water connection

Red Run drinking water connection

Fully comprehend/understand exactly what the media reports
on the internet, in the newspapers, on radio and on television.
Put the pieces together to form your own conclusions.
Green is not always the color of money as Ohio recently found out.
Apparently what is in place NOW, is not functioning all that well.

Aerial photo of Lake St. Clair as Clinton River dumps sediment/nutrients/sewage in
Clinton River at Harley Ensign Marina, north of Metro Beach.

Clinton River Harley Ensign Marina

Clinton River Harley Ensign Marina

COSDS Part One

COSDS Part One

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