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CSO event occurred June 20

June 22, 2024

They were too lazy to check the Rain gauges or input the data

It happened in the middle of the week, NOT completed on Friday,

and therefore No One works the weekends , and Sat / Sun go by

into Monday of the next week, and everyone forgets it happened .

GREAT system, eh ? Who went to kayak, SUP, canoe in sewage overflow ?

Let’s promote the Clinton for recreation….um, cough,hick, sputter !!!

How many words can you clearly read on this computer screen ?

I’ll bet you can figure out incoming (left) versus out going (right)

It is not a true full blown actual waste water treatment plant, just a storage basin.

Some screens capture the debris that falls into it, via some 1/2 inch size mesh,

and they spritz some bleach upon it, and that is the whole “”””treatment””””.

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